NRC announced 11 public meetings (this link also has details on past meetings) regarding establishment of local community advisory boards (CABs). These meetings run from August through October, 2019 and are in places where reactors are being decommissioned. NRC will accept written comments through mid-November 2019 if you cannot attend a meeting in person.
The next group of meetings will be in New England if you want to attend in person:
Click links for times and locations.
COMMENT electronically using the questionnaire NRC has provided. You may also complete a paper copy of the questionnaire then scan and email to NRC, or mail a hardcopy of the questionnaire to Kim Conway, U.S. NRC, 11545 Rockville Pike, Mail Stop T-5 A10, Rockville, MD 20852. Deadline for written comments in mid-November, 2019.
More than 200 environmental organizations have endorsed Hardened On-Site Storage (HOSS), a highly radioactive irradiated nuclear fuel management alternative, during decommissioning. More