New video debunks nuclear power myths
October 28, 2020

Members of New England’s Citizens Awareness Network (CAN) are pleased to present a self-produced video, explaining why atomic power is completely unsuitable as a “bridge” energy source to a sustainable future. Entitled “Nuclear Power to Save the Climate? You Gotta be Kidding!”, the video features CAN organizers addressing five misconceptions about nuclear power that the industry has promoted:

1)     Atomic power is free of CO2 emissions, and therefore a good "bridge" fuel: from gas, coal, and oil — to wind, solar, and other renewables.

2)    Closing existing nuclear plants will increase carbon emissions.

3)    Nuclear power production is the least expensive form of electric generation. 

4)    We can ‘recycle’ nuclear waste, and generate more power with it. 

5)    Switching from uranium to thorium reactors will make nuclear power safe and waste-free. 

Produced in a “point / counterpoint” format, the video features no-nukes activist and actor Court Dorsey in his venerable role as Will Newcomb, representative of NUCORPAC (Nuclear Corporations Political Action Committee).  During the course of the program, Mr. Newcomb grows increasingly agitated, as CAN presenters refute his spin-doctored assertions about atomic power’s merits as a cheap, clean energy source.

Many of the CAN members seen in the video have been activists in the no-nukes and sustainable energy movements for decades, and are presenting from their own expertise, in their own words.

Michael Schreiber, program director for the Shantigar Foundation, heads up the production team—with students from LaGuardia Community College providing the editing. Among the featured presenters is Deb Katz, Executive Director and founder of CAN. According to Ms. Katz, CAN has prioritized outreach to climate activists, as the acceptance of human-caused climate change reaches a critical stage. “Because the nuclear industry is trying to position itself as an answer to climate change, it’s essential that people understand that nuclear power undermines our ability to create a sustainable future. What’s needed is for people to word together to create the best solutions to ensure a sustainable planet.” Read more.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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