Beyond Nuclear joins call for repeal of House Bill 6, Ohio's scandalous nuclear/coal bailout law
October 29, 2020

Beyond Nuclear's radioactive waste specialist, Kevin Kamps, testified at the Repeal HB6 Now! coalition People's Hearing on October 29th. allows Ohioans to take action, by emailing their state legislators. It also features educational videos about the $60+ million bribery scandal, and the $1.5 billion nuclear/coal bailout that resulted. Links to articles are also provided. So too links to the recordings of the Oct. 21, Oct. 27, and Oct. 29th Public Hearings.

See Kevin's written testimony, here.

Kevin also submitted backgrounders, for the record: "Radioactive Russian Roulette on the Great Lakes Shore: 20 MORE Years at Davis-Besse?!" (Nov. 2010); and "What Humpty Dumpty Doesn't Want You to Know: Davis-Besse's Cracked Containment Snow Job" (August 8, 2012).

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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