Schumer, Gillibrand call for independent review of NRC analysis following report of agency's failure to properly analyze pipeline risks at Indian Point
February 28, 2020

Damning NRC Inspector General report details faulty analysis that led to approval of natural gas pipeline; Shumer, Gillibrand had originally called for independent review

Schumer, Gillibrand had opposed the Algonquin/AIM pipeline near Indian Point because of threats posed to quality of life, environment, and health and safety of residents across the Hudson Valley and New York State

Read the full press release here.

Update on March 5, 2020 by Registered Commenteradmin

Video: Following Gillibrand Questioning, NRC Will Redo Risk Analysis for Gas Pipeline near Indian Point

See more, at U.S. Senator Gillibrand's (Democrat-New York) website.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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