Thank you to Eric Epstein of Three Mile Island Alert (TMIA) for alerting us to this:
As published in the Press & Journal.
Also see two related articles at the bottom of the front page of the Press & Journal: "Watchdog group [TMIA] ready to buy, but it's no 'routine' transaction," and "For sale: TMI heirloom, $2.2 million price tag."
Please take action! Submit a comment, and spread the word, as a way of standing in solidarity with the survivors of the TMI-2 meltdown, on this 41st annual commemoration (March 28, 1979 to March 28, 2020).
Also see this Beyond Nuclear newsletter, and TMI Truth website section, from six years ago, on the 35th anniversary of the TMI-2 meltdown.
And see "Mobile Meltdown: TMI-2 Train Troubles," written by Beyond Nuclear board president Kay Drey, and radioactive waste specialist Kevin Kamps, in 2004, for the 25th annual commemoration of the meltdown. Unfortunately, the article is as relevant as ever, as consolidated interim storage facilities are targeted at New Mexico and Texas, and a permanent dumpsite is targeted at Shoshone land at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Thus, high-risk Mobile Chernobyls would roll by the tens of thousands if any one of these dumps out West opens.