Beyond Nuclear issued a press release today urging against the granting of license extensions to Duke Energy's 11 reactors --which could see them operating as long as 80 years. At least five --Catawba 1 & 2 (SC), Shearon Harris (NC) and McGuire 1 & 2 (NC) -- are the same design as the Indian Point 2 reactor shutting permanently tomorrow (April 30.) Indian Point 2 should be "autopsied" said Beyond Nuclear, to provide real time information on the condition of the Duke's reactor, information that would almost certainly disqualify them from continued operation on safety grounds.
The press release begins:
Plans by Duke Energy to extend the operating licenses of its Catawba, McGuire and Shearon Harris nuclear plants should not go ahead until their operating safety margins are fully known, said Beyond Nuclear, a national environmental watchdog organization today.
The permanent shutdown this Thursday, April 30, of the Westinghouse 4-Loop Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) at Indian Point, NY, provides the ideal opportunity to examine the safety conditions at Catawba 1 & 2 (SC), Shearon Harris (NC) and McGuire 1 & 2 (NC) before granting operating license extensions, the group says.
Duke announced its intention in September 2019 to seek second license extensions for its eleven reactors, all of which operate in southern U.S. states. The second license extensions would allow the plants to run for as long as 80 years.
“The three Duke reactors potentially in the queue for second license extensions should not be licensed to operate as long as 80 years without the requirement of an ‘autopsy’ on the Indian Point 2 reactor of the same design,” said Paul Gunter, director of reactor oversight at Beyond Nuclear.