Speak out against Mobile Chernobyls in your community!
May 14, 2020

See a sample script for contacting your Members of Congress, to urge they demand public comment meetings in your state/congressional district (once safe to do so, post-pandemic), re: the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Holtec International's nuke waste consolidated interim storage facility (CISF) targeting southeastern New Mexico. Links to contact info. for contacting both your U.S Senators and your U.S. Rep. is also provided, at this link.

And please submit comments to NRC on the DEIS. The current deadline is July 22nd, but please act ASAP. Sample comments you can use to write your own are posted here, as are instructions for how to submit them to NRC.

See 2017 State of Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects' route maps, showing the roads and rails through most states, that would be used to haul high-level radioactive waste to the Southwest. And see barge shipment routes on waterways, here.

Learn more about these issues at our Centralized Storage and Waste Transportation website sections.

Thanks for taking action to oppose these environmentally unjust high-level radioactive waste dumps targeting the Southwest (Hispanic areas of s.e. NM, and Western Shoshone land in NV), and the Mobile Chernobyls, Dirty Bombs on Wheels, Mobile X-ray Machines That Can't Be Turned Off, and Floating Fukushimas that would be launched through countless communities! Please spread the word!

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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