ACT NOW! Stop Japan from dumping radioactive water!
May 8, 2020
The Japanese government intends to release 1.2 million cubic meters of water contaminated with radioiodine, radiocesium, radiostrontium and tritium into the ocean. This water, which exceeds emission concentration standards, has been accumulating since the Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdowns and explosions in 2011. Yet more contaminated water will likely be dumped from the ruined reactor sites in the future. Japan civil society groups and Fukushima fishing unions are strongly opposed to ocean discharge. For the fishing industry, this is a matter of life and death.
PLEASE SIGN if you have not already done so:
1) Please sign on to Beyond Nuclear’s coalition letter addressed to the Japanese national government's Ministry of Energy, Trade, and Industry (METI).
DEADLINE: close of business Eastern time, Wednesday, May 13, 2020. To sign on your group, please email Cindy Folkers of Beyond Nuclear your personal name, title if available, group/organization name, city, state, country.
2) Please also consider signing your group onto a petition.