7.3 earthquake strikes near Fukushima nuclear site
February 13, 2021

A 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck on Saturday just off the coast of Japan where the already striken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants are located. Happening just weeks before the 10th anniversary of the deadly March 11, 2011 nuclear disaster -- precipitated by an earthquake and tsunami -- it was unclear what if any damage occurred at the site. The government issued the usual denials that there had been any mishaps -- or worse -- at the Fukushima site, but given the history of cover-ups about the true extent of the original 2011 accident, it is hard to trust official reports.

Of particular concern are the waste casks stacked on the site, holding radioactive water. For several years, Tepco and the Japanese government have been threatening to dump the excess radioactive water into the Pacific ocean, a move strongly opposed by fishermen, environmentalists and a large portion of the Japanese public. (A petition is currently in circulation to try to permanently close off this option. You can sign it here.)

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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