80 YEARS AT POINT BEACH, WI? Comment against high-risk extension!
February 18, 2021

Point Beach Units 1 & 2, Two Creeks, WI on the Lake Michigan shoreline. NRC file photo.Working with allies like Physicians for Social Responsibility-Wisconsin, Beyond Nuclear helped turn out more than 100 concerned citizens to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's public comment call-in session on February 17. Fifteen of 16 who made environmental scoping public comments at NRC's call-in session opposed NRC rubber-stamping three more decades of operations at the twin-reactor nuclear power plant; the only proponent was a Point Beach vice president. We have prepared comments you can use verbatim, or to help you write your own. So too has PSR-WI. Written comments to NRC are due by 11:59pm Eastern on Wednesday, March 3, and can be submitted online. Help protect Lake Michigan, drinking water source for 40 million downstream!


Update on February 18, 2021 by Registered Commenteradmin
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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