Defiance on film. Watch two films free, then join March 30 discussion
March 25, 2021

Please sign up to enjoy virtual screenings of two new documentaries exploring resistance to nuclear power: 33 Days of Utopia (Germany) & The Beekeeper (UK). Then register for our online event to meet the filmmakers and protagonists, listen to their stories, and ask questions live.

The Goethe-Institut Washington, DC, the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Washington, DC and Beyond Nuclear will present four events during 2021 -- under the heading Cultural Resistance: Standing Up to Nuclear Power Through Protest and the Arts -- in a year that marks 10 years since the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and 35 years since the Chernobyl nuclear accident. 

The first in the series -- Defiance on Film -- takes place on Tuesday, March 30, 1pm-2:30pm Eastern US time. Register here to get links to free screenings of The Beekeeper and 33 Days of Utopia, then join us for a lively online discussion. Featuring Roswitha Ziegler, Rebecca Harms and Attila Dézsi of Utopia and Will McGregor and Katie Hayward from The Beekeeper.


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