PT. BEACH COMMENTS: 30 MORE years of risk to Lake Michigan?!
March 5, 2021
Point Beach Unit 1 & 2 atomic reactors, Two Rivers, WI on Lake Michigan shoreThanks to all who submitted comments. 1,288 were submitted via by last night's (10:59pm Central) deadline. If the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's call-in/webinar is any indication, the vast majority were opposed to the twin reactors' "subsequent" 20-year extension: on February 17, 15 of 16 verbal comments were opposed to the license extension (the only one in favor was by a Point Beach V.P.). We submitted 14 sets of comments, including regarding embrittlement at Unit 2, the worst in the U.S. The next challenge is March 23's deadline for interventions at NRC's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. We look forward to working with Physicians for Social Responsibility-Wisconsin and others to meet it.
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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