New Mexico Downwinders Events
July 8, 2021

Message from Tina Cordova, TBDC (Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium):

It [is] encouraging to see so many people planning to reflect on the Anniversaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  I would never want to take away from admitting and recognizing the suffering of the Japanese people.  I ask though, that as you go about those remembrances  you also remember that before the US government used the bombs against the Japanese people they tested them on American citizens who lived in close proximity to the Trinity test site.  Our lives were changed forevermore and we’ve sacrificed and suffered ever since.  I might also remind you that we had casualties from Trinity and they were our babies (see attached paper).  We cannot forget that the US government has controlled the messaging around what they did here in the US to innocent men, women and children in their rush to Japan.  I would be remiss in not reminding everyone about this truth. 

I’ve attached [linked here] the flyer for our upcoming events along with a recently produced 150 mile Trinity radius map for your review and use.  This map is the result of a brilliant young man who attends the University of New Mexico.  He completed this as a class project.  It is one of a kind and completely obliterates the government's perpetual lie that “no one lived here and no one was harmed”.  Indeed we did live here and indeed we were greatly harmed.   

If anyone has any questions please let me know.  Otherwise, I offer each of you peace as we traverse the hard days of remembrance that lay ahead of us. 

Take care,    


Tina Cordova


7518 2nd St. NW

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107

Phone 505-897-6787

Fax 505-890-0157

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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