Jesse Jackson: Dakota Access Pipeline siting ‘racist’ 
October 28, 2016

As reported by the Williston Herald:

The Rev. Jesse Jackson said Wednesday that the Dakota Access Pipeline was “ripest case of environmental racism” he’s seen in a long time. 

He was to be on site Wednesday at the Cannon Ball campsite, a location the tribe has set aside for peaceful protesters.

“Bismarck residents don’t want their water threatened, so why is it OK for North Dakota to react with guns and tanks when Native Americans ask for the same right?” Jackson asked in a release sent by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Wednesday morning. “The tribes of this country have sacrificed a lot so that this great country could be built. With promises broken, land stolen, sacred lands desecrated, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is standing up for their right to clean water. They have lost land for settlers to farm, more land for gold in the Black Hills, and then again even more land for the dam that was built for flood control and hydropower. When will the taking stop? When will we start treating the first peoples of this land with the respect and honor they deserve?”


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