Endangered Earth: A Powerful Show of Solidarity
November 17, 2016

The Center for Biological Diversity's newsletter top headline:

Thousands Make a Stand With Standing Rock -- Thank You

More than anything in the coming years, we'll need people power. Thousands of people took to the streets from coast to coast on Tuesday, in solidarity with those fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline. It was a powerful day of community-building, respect, and thousands of people speaking as one against this disastrous project.

Thanks to all who attended one of the 100-plus events held around the country, from San Francisco and L.A. to Tucson, Flagstaff, Portland, St. Petersburg, and Washington, D.C.

This week also brought good news: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers delayed the granting of an easement for the pipeline. And the number of people fighting it continues to grow, as more and more Americans call for the protection of indigenous rights, sacred places, our water and our climate.

Check out these rally photos and watch this video of Tucson's event on Facebook or YouTube.

We Stand With Standing Rock

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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