SumOfUs petition: Standing Rock
November 2, 2016

Over 100 water protectors were brutally arrested by Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) security forces -- some locked in dog kennels and shot at with rubber bullets and pepper spray -- just for standing up for their ancestral lands and our most precious resource, water.

Thousands have peacefully gathered in North Dakota to stop this dirty 570,000 barrel-per-day pipeline that would endanger the water and sacred burial grounds of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Just this week, people around the world have donated and showed up in support of the protest, and "checked-in" on Facebook in solidarity.

While this inspiring work is going on, the banks we use every day, like Wells Fargo and Citibank, are backing the project with hundreds of millions of dollars in loans.

Demand that Wells Fargo, Citibank and all other financial institutions stop supporting the Dakota Access Pipeline and associated investments, such as Energy Transfer now.

North Dakota recorded nearly 300 oil pipeline spills in less than two years -- and none were disclosed to the public. It’s no wonder Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities alike are terrified by the prospect of this project.

DAPL was originally going to be routed near the city of Bismarck -- but was rejected because it would have run so close to municipal water sources. But for some reason, it was given a green light to put the Standing Rock Sioux’s ancestral water supply at risk to the profit of banks like Wells Fargo and Citibank.

Wells Fargo and Citibank aren’t the only banks trying to profiting off the Dakota Access Pipeline. ING Bank, SunTrust, and TD Bank are supporting the pipeline, too. These banks are vulnerable to public pressure. We are their customers and shareholders. They need our business. We can pressure them to pull out of this toxic, disrespectful project.

Stop the money, stop the pipeline. Tell Wells Fargo, Citibank, and other financial institutions to stop funding DAPL now.

What we are bearing witness to at Standing Rock is a moment of history. We can't all be in North Dakota, but we can all stand in solidarity with those who are. Sign the petition and we'll then share with you other ways you can support the Standing Rock Sioux to stop DAPL.

Alongside Indigenous leaders and grassroots communities on the front lines, tens of thousands of SumOfUs members raised their voices together, and we helped stop the Keystone XL pipeline. Our global community has stood with Indigenous communities, contributing tens of thousands of dollars to lawsuits to stop Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipeline in Western Canada. We are powerful when we come together. Now, we need to come together and help the Standing Rock Sioux stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Sign the petition asking banks to stop supporting Dakota Access Pipeline now.

Thanks for all that you do,
Nicole, Reem, Toni, and the rest of the SumOfUs team 

More information: 

Who's Banking on the Dakota Access Pipeline? Food and Water Watch, Sept 6, 2016
The $3.7-billion pipeline that became a rallying cry for tribes across America, LA Times, Sept 13, 2016

The Dakota Access Pipeline is being funded by banks like Wells Fargo and Citibank to the tune of $2.5 billion dollars.

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.

Tell Wells Fargo, Citibank, and the other financial institutions supporting DAPL to stop.


Update on November 4, 2016 by Registered Commenteradmin

Thanks for signing the petition asking banks to stop funding the Dakota Access Pipeline. Here are some other ways you can support this movement and help the Standing Rock Sioux continue their fight:

Donate to support the people resisting the Dakota Access Pipeline
Donate directly to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe  to support their fight
Read the Sacred Stone Camp Supply List and contribute
Contribute directly to the Sacred Stone Camp Legal Defense Fund
Chip into the Sacred Stone Camp GoFundMe page
If you are a customer of these banks, you can call their customers service or press contact lines and demand that they drop funding for the pipeline

Deutsche Bank
Customer service: +1 212 250 2500
Press: +1 212 250 7171,
Renee Calabro, Head of Press Office: +1 212 250 5525

Customer service: +1 888 248 4226
Press: +1 212 793 0710

Customer service: +1 800 975 4722
Press: +44 20 7991 8096,

Customer service: +1 877 886 5050
Press office: +31 20 576 5000
Raymond Vermeulen, Head of Media Relations: +31 20 576 63 69

Royal Bank of Canada
Customer service: +1 800 769 2553
Press contacts:
(Atlantic Canada) Lori Smith; Office: +1 902 421 8121 Email:
(Quebec) Denis Dube; Office: +1 514 874 6556 Email:
(Toronto) Mark Hamill; Office: +1 416 974 3900 Email:
(Ontario South West) Saira Husain; Office: +1 905 639 5404 Email:
(Ontario North and East) Anika Reza; Office: +1 613 291 3520 Email:
(Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario) Robb Ritch Office: +1 204 988 3516 Email:
(Alberta, NWT, Yukon and Nunavut) Pamela Brown; Office: +1 403 292 3372 Email:
(British Columbia) Ian Colvin; Office: +1 604 665 4031 Email:

Customer service: +1 888 751 9000
Press contact:

TD Securities
Customer Service: +1 866 222 3456
TD Corporate and Public Affairs, Alison Ford: +1 416 982 5401
TD Investor Relations: +1 416 308 9030

Credit Suisse
Customer service: +11 41 848 880 844
Press contact: Tel. +41 844 33 88 44
(USA) Karina Byrne: +1 212 538 83 61
(EMEA/UK) Christiana Marran (Head Communications EMEA/UK): +44 207 888 89 11
(Switzerland) Christoph Meier (Head Media Relations): +41 44 334 58 88

Customer service: +1 800 354 9103
Press contact: +1 212 882 5857

Royal Bank of Scotland
Customer service: +11 44 118 373 2181
Press contact: +44131 523 4205
Chris Turner, Director of Media Relations: +44 20 7672 4515

Societe Generale
Customer relations: +33 1 42 14 31 69
Press contact: +33 1 42 13 23 49
Florence Schwob, Media Relations Manager:

Credit Agricole
Customer service:, +33 1 44 73 26 74
LCL Banque et Assurance: + 33 1 42 95 70 00

Customer Service: +1 800 266 7277
Christina Anderson, Press contact: +1 205 524 5214
Al Ortiz, Press contact: +1 281 433 5640

BNP Paribas
Customer Service: +33 157 082 200 (worldwide)
Julia Boyce, Head of Media Relations:

Customer Service: +1 800 472 6842
Rick Roth, Media Relations: +1 416 933 1795,
Kate Simandl, Media Relations: +1 416 866 6806,

Customer Service: +1 800 786 8787
Sue Mallino, Chief Communications Officer: +1 404 813 0463,

Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ
Customer Service: +1 800 2121 1034 (international toll free, where available), +81 3 3512 5105,
Press for MUFJ (financial group parent company):
Lauren Sambrotto: +1 212 782 4909,
Daniel Weidman: +1 213 236 4050

Mizuho Bank
Customer Service: +120 324 638,
Patrick Phalon, VP Media Relations: 212 282 3867

ABN Amro Capital
Customer Service: +31 10 241 1720
Hans van Zon, Head of Public Relations: +31 20 383 4483,
Brigitte Seegers, Senior International Press Officer: +31 20 628 3365,


Call the decision-makers to tell them to stop this pipeline

Army Corps of Engineers
Demand that they reverse the permit to build the pipeline: (202) 761-5903

Energy Transfer Partners (the company building the pipeline)
Lee Hanse, Executive Vice President: (210) 403-6455,
Glenn Emery, Vice President: (210) 403-6762,
Michael (Cliff) Waters, Lead Analyst: (713) 989-2404,

North Dakota governor Jack Dalrymple
Demand that he stop the use of state violence against peaceful protestors:  (701) 328-2200.
The White House
Tell President Obama to rescind the Army Corps of Engineers’ Permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline: (202) 456-1111, (202) 456-1414.

Sign other petitions asking President Obama to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
See website for complete article licensing information.