Winona LaDuke, Honor the Earth: This holiday season, Love Water Not Oil. Join us!
November 5, 2016

This message comes from Winona LaDuke of Honor the Earth:

This holiday season, Honor the Earth is proud to bring our most sacred foods to your table.  We are a national, Indigenous led organization committed to the preservation of Native arts, culture, and traditional lifeways, as well as a just economy for the future of our peoples and Mother Earth.   We invite you to stand with us in our work as protectors, and share our gifts from the Creator with your loved ones. 


Honor the Earth is engaged in front line work in opposition to the expansion of fossil fuel pipelines in the Great Lakes and the Great Plains.  We are calling for the immediate allocation of resources for urban and tribal infrastructure needs, in the face of a National D in infrastructure.

We are committed to a post-carbon sustainable economy based on Indigenous economics, renewable energy, and local food systems.  Our office on the White Earth reservation in Northern Minnesota provides local employment as well as a national center for environmental advocacy, and our re-granting program serves grassroots groups in Indigenous communities across North America. 

This holiday season, Love Water Not Oil.  Join us to protect and defend our sacred water, our wild rice, and future generations.  

We are very grateful for your support as we come together in the sacred work of honoring the earth.


Winona LaDuke

Winona LaDuke

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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