Food & Water Watch: Who's banking on the Dakota Access pipeline?
December 19, 2016

Amanda Byrnes of Food & Water Watch has sent out the following action alert:

Who's Bankrolling the Dakota Access Pipeline?
Tell 17 Big Banks to Stop Funding This Dirty Project.

Despite recent good news about the Dakota Access pipeline from the Army Corps of Engineers, the battle to stop this pipeline isn't over — and there's a key way you can help take the next step.

Urge the banks funding the Dakota Access pipeline to pull their money out of this terrible investment!

Seventeen big banks are invested in the Dakota Access pipeline, and their money is what makes it financially possible for the oil and gas industry to build this dirty project.

The Standing Rock water protectors are not only up against the energy industry, they're also up against some of the most powerful financial interests on Wall Street. Is your bank one of them?

Banks on the Dakota Access project loan include:
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, BayernLB, BBVA, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Crédit Agricole, DNB ASA, ICBC, ING, Intesa Sanpaolo, Mizuho Bank, Natixis, SMBC, Société Générale, SunTrust Robinson Humphrey, TD Bank, and Wells Fargo. And even more banks provide funding to Energy Transfer Partners, the company behind the project.*

The Army Corps' decision is a delay — a full Environmental Impact Statement is now underway, but it will be completed AFTER Trump takes office. And we're hearing that Energy Transfer Partners, the main corporation responsible for the pipeline, is considering moving forward anyway and then just paying a fine for the violation.

That's why we're standing with allies to call for defunding of the entire project. Even when corporations aren't fazed by laws, regulations, environmental protections or human rights, they tend to notice when the money dries up.

We're witnessing a powerful moment in the movement to protect people and our climate from corporate greed. We can't allow a private oil and gas corporation to build a dirty pipeline through sacred indigenous lands, put key waterways at risk and keep us addicted to climate-changing fossil fuels.

So it's time to speak loudly and clearly, and in a language all corporations understand.

Tell the banks: #NoDAPL.

Thanks for taking action,

Amanda Byrnes

Amanda Byrnes
Online Campaign Organizer
Food & Water Watch

*Who's Banking on the Dakota Access Pipeline?, Food & Water Watch, September 6, 2016.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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