Call the White House: Stand with Standing Rock
December 2, 2016

Action alert from

Dear MoveOn member,

It's urgent that President Obama hear today from MoveOn members who oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline.

This week, North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple issued an executive order calling for mandatory evacuation of all water protectors peacefully gathered in opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline located on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers land—the Oceti Sakowin Camp.1 The governor's executive order is a blatant attempt to frighten and intimidate those who are standing strong to protect a sacred burial site and stop a corporation from polluting our land and water.

President Obama has the power to stop the pipeline and deny the Army Corps of Engineers' easement on our land. He must take action immediately. Will you call President Obama now?

Here's where to call: 1-855-411-0302

You can say this:

I stand with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and water protectors defending their land and water and Mother Earth against the Dakota Access Pipeline. President Obama must take action now to ensure the safety of the water protectors and reject this pipeline.

Temperatures continue to drop in North Dakota, and law enforcement agencies have become even more brutal and abusive. But despite threats of eviction and the violence from law enforcement, Standing Rock water protectors are continuing to peacefully gather in prayer and with steadfast opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Since April, thousands of water protectors have gathered in peaceful prayer to oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline. More than 12,000 people are now camping near sites where drilling could begin any moment.2

Law enforcement agencies have used dogs as weapons, kept protectors in dog kennels as temporary jails, shot people with rubber bullets, fired water cannons in subfreezing temperatures, and used flash grenades against protectors in prayer.3,4 This action by Gov. Dalrymple will only escalate violence against those gathered to defend the water.

President Obama must hear from all, Native and non-Native allies, while he still has the power to reject the Dakota Access Pipeline and before further militarized policing occurs. It will be too late when Donald Trump takes office, as he's personally invested in the pipeline.5

Hundreds of thousands of MoveOn members have already signed petitions, spoken out on social media, and called authorities in North Dakota. It's crucial to continue to support the water protectors in these critical days before the December 5 evacuation date that has been set by the Corps of Engineers.

Here's where to call: 1-855-411-0302

You can say this:

I stand with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and water protectors defending their land, water, and Mother Earth against the Dakota Access Pipeline. President Obama must take action now to ensure the safety of the water protectors and reject this pipeline.

Thanks for all you do.

—Judith LeBlanc, member of the Caddo Tribe of Oklahoma, Native Organizers Alliance


1. "Governor issues evacuation order to Dakota Access protesters," The Bismark Tribune, November 28, 2016

2. "Standing Rock Protesters React to Life Under Trump," Rolling Stone, November 23, 2016

3. "Officials Defend Use of Alleged 'Dog Kennel' Cells in Dakota Access Pipeline Protest," ABC News, October 31, 2016

4. "Medics Describe How Police Sprayed Standing Rock Demonstrators With Tear Gas and Water Cannons," The Intercept, November 21, 2016

5. "Trump's Stock Portfolio: Big Oil, Big Banks And More Foreign Connections," Forbes, November 29, 2016

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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