Greenpeace: Dakota Access Pipeline halted! [Thank the Water Protectors!]
December 6, 2016

Good news from Standing Rock! After months of Indigenous Water Protectors and allies putting their bodies on the line — and being met with militarized police armed with rubber bullets and water cannons in freezing weather — the Dakota Access Pipeline has been HALTED!

Send a thank you note to the Water Protectors at Standing Rock for all their hard work in keeping this pipeline at bay, and pledge to stand with them as this fight continues.

This weekend, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that they will not be granting an easement for the pipeline to be drilled under the Missouri River. This is not the end of this fight — but it’s an important victory for the Water Protectors who have put everything on the line to stop this project.

"This is not just an amazing victory for Standing Rock and the Oceti Sakowin — but also for the many other Tribal Nations, grassroots Indigenous communities and millions of Americans around the country who have stood in solidarity with us here in person, at rallies around the country, and through phone calls and letters. This is a victory for organizing, and it doesn't stop now." -Dallas Goldtooth of the Indigenous Environmental Network

Over 75,000 of you have written and called the White House, sent supplies, and done so much more to aid the Water Protectors and stop this pipeline.

Your support helped keep water protectors going through long months and violent, inhumane treatment at the hands of militarized police in order to win this victory. Now we need to let them know that we will stand by them in the next stage of this fight, whatever happens next.

Thank the Water Protectors for their brave stand, and promise that you’ll continue to be by their side as they work to protect their water and tribal lands from destruction.

Water is Life,

Lili Molina,
Community Partnerships Manager, Greenpeace USA

P.S. The Dakota Access Pipeline has been halted! This is a huge win but doesn't ensure the pipeline won't be built in the future. If you're ready to keep fighting you can demand Citibank cut funding to the pipeline by posting on their Facebook page or sending them a tweet.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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