Friends of the Earth action alert: Tell President Obama: Say NO to the Dakota Access Pipeline
August 29, 2016

As you read this, thousands of American Indians are camped along the banks of the Missouri River in North Dakota, fighting to protect their land and water from the construction of an oil and gas pipeline. 

The proposed Dakota Access Pipeline would carry fracked crude oil 1,168 miles through North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois. The pipeline would cut through communities, farms, sensitive natural areas, wildlife habitat, and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s ancestral lands.

The Standing Rock Sioux need your help to protect their ancestral lands and drinking water.

Write President Obama today and demand that he repeal the Dakota Access Pipeline permits!

The Dakota Access Pipeline would damage sites and landscapes sacred to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. It would also cross the Missouri River just upstream of the Tribe’s drinking water supply. A pipeline spill would pollute the Tribe’s land and water, threatening their culture and way of life.

Yet, the Obama administration approved construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline without adequate environmental reviews and without tribal consultation. 

This is unconscionable. That’s why the Standing Rock Sioux and thousands of supporters are protesting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. It’s not too late to stop this dangerous pipeline, but President Obama needs to hear from you.

Take action now: Tell President Obama to protect the Standing Rock Sioux’s lands and water!

Sadly, this is not the first time that the federal government has ignored tribal concerns. No community should be treated as an energy sacrifice zone just so Fossil Fuel Empires can make more profits. 

President Obama’s climate legacy is on the line. He should stand with the Standing Rock Sioux to protect their land and water, and all of the communities that would be negatively impacted along the pipeline’s route. Not only that, President Obama should be doing everything within his power to keep fossil fuels in the ground. The future of our planet and frontline communities like the Standing Rock Sioux depend on him making the right decision.

Tell President Obama to repeal approval of the Dakota Access Pipeline to protect our planet and frontline communities!

Standing with you,
Marissa Knodel,
Climate campaigner,
Friends of the Earth


Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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