Vermont demonstrators disrupt pipeline construction in solidarity
September 14, 2016

As reported by NBC 5 in Burlington, VT. (See also the links to the television report, as well as addition photos.)


On Oct. 5th, Margaret Harrington, host of Nuclear-Free Future at Ch. 17 (CCTV/Town Meeting Television) in Burlington, reported on this story, "Fracked Gas and Eminent Domain in Geparg's Park, Vermont."

Here is the description of her coverage:

Ch 17 Interviewer Margaret Harrington met with anti Vermont Gas fracked gas pipeline activists from Rising Tide and the citizen group Protect Geprag's Park. They met at Geprag's Park in Hinesburg to talk about the pipeline easement the Public Service Board PSB has granted Vermont Gas by enforcing eminent domain. Jane Palmer, Rachel Smolker, Theora Ward and Alex Prolman give compelling views of the legal and ethical reasons why they will continue to fight the fracked gas pipeline and appeal the PSB decision in a case to the Vermont Supreme Court. Despite the destruction of wetlands and other natural resources and always with the threat of eminent domain, the PSB continues to rule in favor of the extension of the Vermont Gas pipeline.

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Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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