Winona LaDuke: Trump's Push to Build Dakota Access & Keystone XL Pipelines is a Declaration of War
January 25, 2017

As reported by Democracy Now!

[See all of Democracy Now!'s coverage from Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Reservation, and related crude oil pipeline and Native American environmental justice coverage, here.]

Update on January 24, 2017 by Registered Commenteradmin

IEN also responded to Trump's moves on KXL and DAPL:

The Indigenous Environmental Network is extremely alarmed with President Donald Trump’s announcement of the two Executive Orders setting the stage for approving the dirty energy pipeline projects of the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and other Sioux Tribes, as sovereign Native nations, were never consulted by Trump or his Administration on this decision that further violates the treaty rights of the Lakota, Nakota, Dakota people. Trump is portraying his true self by joining forces with the darkness of the Black Snake pipelines crossing across the culturally and environmentally rich landscape of the prairie lands of America.

See the full press release.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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