SumOfUs: Standing Rock action alert
January 27, 2017

Trump just signed orders smoothing the construction for the destructive Dakota Access Pipeline.

His announcement is no surprise -- we've been expecting him to roll back former President Obama's decision since November. In preparation, we've been helping plan the next international day of action targeting banks to divest from the dangerous project, which would endanger the water and sacred burial grounds of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

250,000 SumOfUs members have already signed the petition asking banks to pull their investments from the pipeline. Can you help us get as many signatures as possible strong before the next international day of action by sharing this campaign on Facebook?


We know targeting banks to stop financially supporting this dangerous pipeline works -- we’ve already made some progress last November. Two days after we delivered hundreds of thousands of SumOfUs members’ signatures to Norway-based Bank DNB's headquarters, it pulled its investment in the pipeline. If we get more banks to pull out -- we can stop this pipeline from being built.

Please share this campaign with your friends on Facebook or copy and share this email if you prefer:

Dear Friends, 

Trump just gave the green light to the destructive Dakota Pipeline. Now, more than ever, we need to go after the banks that fund the pipeline and ask them to divest from the project.

We know targeting banks on this project works -- two days after a group I am apart of, SumOfUs, delivered hundreds of thousands of petition signatures asking Norway-based Bank DNB's headquarters to pull investment in the pipeline -- they listened! If we get more banks to pull out -- we can stop this pipeline from being built.

Will you join me and sign the petition:

Thank you

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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