Tomorrow: Help stop the Dakota Access Pipeline
February 7, 2017

Friends of the Earth action alert:

Join us at the White House tomorrow to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline!

The Army Corps of Engineers just greenlighted the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The Corps was supposed to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement. It was supposed to accept comments from people like you. 

But two weeks ago Donald Trump signed an executive action to speed up the project. Now the Corps is in Trump’s pocket.

We can’t let Trump force construction of this pipeline! It’s time to take that message to the streets!

What: Rally to oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline
When: Tomorrow, Feb. 8th at 5 pm
Where: The White House

Click here to RSVP.

The Trump Administration’s action is a betrayal of the Water Protectors who stood up for their water and sovereignty. This dangerous project threatens the water supply of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. And it cuts through wildlife habitat and the tribe’s ancestral lands.

Donald Trump has made it clear that his America does not include the millions of Americans who are standing up to protect their land, water, sacred cultural sites and climate from dangerous pipelines.

But Trump doesn’t know how big a fight that he’s in for. So we need you to show him that he can’t just come in and undo the progress we’ve made.

Stand up to Trump’s extreme agenda and help stop Dakota Access -- join the action in DC!

Standing with you,
Doug Norlen,
Economic policy program director,
Friends of the Earth

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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