Human Rights

The entire nuclear fuel chain involves the release of radioactivity, contamination of the environment and damage to human health. Most often, communities of color, indigenous peoples or those of low-income are targeted to bear the brunt of these impacts, particularly the damaging health and environmental effects of uranium mining. The nuclear power industry inevitably violates human rights. While some of our human rights news can be found here, we also focus specifically on this area on out new platform, Beyond Nuclear International.



Al Gore: Dakota Access Pipeline is an "Absolute Atrocity"

As reported by Democracy Now!:

In Washington, D.C., former Vice President Al Gore has spoken out against another pipeline, the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline, while speaking at The New York Times Global Leaders’ Collective conference.

Al Gore: "The massive investment in these pipeline infrastructure projects will be amortized over 50 to 75 years, and we need that capital to flow into renewables. This Standing Rock project is an atrocity. It is an absolute atrocity. And I wish that President Obama would step in before there is more violence out there against those—they call themselves water protectors. This is an embarrassment to our country. All those promises have been broken for so long. Using water cannons in subfreezing temperatures, that’s inhumane."


Veterans to Serve as ‘Human Shields’ for Dakota Pipeline Protesters


Today's Midwest Energy News headlines/links re: DAPL resistance

• The economic benefits to come if and when the Dakota Access pipeline is built are unclear. (High Country News)
• Hundreds of arrests of protesters have overburdened North Dakota’s court system, “which faces huge cost overruns and doesn’t have enough judges, lawyers and clerks to handle the workload.” (Associated Press)
• Law enforcement agencies look to quell pipeline protests by fining those who attempt to deliver supplies. (Reuters)
• The Dakota Access developer says it’s prepared to build the pipeline through the winter months. (Bismarck Tribune)


2,000 Vets to Head to Standing Rock as North Dakota Cuts Off Emergency Services to Camps

As reported by Democracy Now!:

This comes as North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple has issued an executive order declaring the land where the main resistance camps are located is now an evacuation area. The North Dakota Department of Emergency Services has confirmed the police and National Guard will not move to forcibly evict the water protectors from this land, but the order does mean the state will not provide emergency services to that area. The land is unceded Sioux treaty land that is owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which has said they’ll close public access to that area by December 5. More than 2,000 U.S. military veterans are planning to arrive at Standing Rock on December 4, one day before the Army Corps’ scheduled closure, including Hawaii congresswoman and combat veteran Tulsi Gabbard.


National Lawyers Guild Sues Morton County Sheriff, Police for Excessive Force

As reported by Democracy Now!:

In North Dakota, a group of lawyers from the National Lawyers Guild has filed a class action lawsuit against Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier, Morton County and other law enforcement agencies, arguing they are using excessive force against Native American water protectors fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. In recent weeks, police have attacked the protectors with rubber bullets, bean bag rounds, water cannons in subfreezing temperatures, sound cannons, explosive tear gas grenades and concussion grenades, injuring hundreds of people. One water protector, Sophia Wilansky, was critically injured during one police attack, after her father says a police concussion grenade exploded and nearly blew her arm off. Click here to see our full interview with Sophia’s father, Wayne Wilansky.