Human Rights

The entire nuclear fuel chain involves the release of radioactivity, contamination of the environment and damage to human health. Most often, communities of color, indigenous peoples or those of low-income are targeted to bear the brunt of these impacts, particularly the damaging health and environmental effects of uranium mining. The nuclear power industry inevitably violates human rights. While some of our human rights news can be found here, we also focus specifically on this area on out new platform, Beyond Nuclear International.



Dallas Goldtooth and Pres. Obama: Reject the pipeline. Now.

This update from Dallas Goldtooth on behalf of the Indigenous Environmental Network and


Yesterday, as tens of thousands of people rallied together across the globe to oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline, the US Army Corps of Engineers issued a statement saying that the decision on the pipeline will be further delayed for more consultation.

Normally, this would be a good thing: delay is often our friend. But, these are not normal times. Donald Trump is going to be President in 65 days and delay could give him the power to decide Standing Rock’s future. We need fast action, and the kind of action that will last. Dakota Access has proven that is has no concern for corporate responsibility and common decency.

President Obama has the power to stop the pipeline, protect Standing Rock’s water, and take the decision out of Trump’s hands.

Tell President Obama to stop Donald Trump from deciding the future of Standing Rock’s water and stop the Dakota Access pipeline by rejecting the final permit for the project.

LaDonna Allard with Sacred Stone Camp, and Eryn Wise with the Indigenous Youth Council leading a march of 3,000 people in Washington D.C. as part of 300+ actions yesterday.

President Obama should do what Trump won't and stop this pipeline, protect people and our water instead of Big Oil’s profit. Before he leaves office, he can still reject the permit and declare the Cannonball area of Standing Rock a National Monument, as Indigenous historians on the ground have been calling for for years.

There’s never been a moment like this in the movement to defend Indigenous rights in this country. The solidarity everyone is showing right now is what we’ll need to weather the coming years.

Seeing tens of thousands of people from Berlin to Los Angeles march, rally, and take action to stand in solidarity with Standing Rock was a beautiful thing. Over 300 people sat-in at the Army Corps of Engineers office in Washington, DC, backed by 3,000 people standing with them. Dozens more risked arrest at other offices, delivered letters, and held events in nearly every major city.

To see more highlights from yesterday, check out the photos here.

I'm so proud to be part of this big, beautiful movement with you.

With thanks,

Dallas Goldtooth on behalf of the Indigenous Environmental Network and


Dakota Access pipeline protests spread, firms fight back - Reuters
Dakota Access Pipeline Co. Attacks Native Americans with Dogs & Pepper Spray - Democracy Now


CEO behind Dakota Access to protesters: ‘We’re building the pipeline’


Thousands Unite in Solidarity With Standing Rock


RFK, Jr: 'This Historic Peaceful Protest Declares All Communities Deserve Clean Water'


Sold out Stand with Standing Rock concert at DAR Constitution Hall in DC on 11/27/16

Special guests Neko Case, Ledisi and Lakota Thunder will join Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, DC on 11.27.16 for a Stand with Standing Rock benefit concert.

[Stand with Standing Rock is already sold out but you can bid on front row seats to benefit the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and their opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline. Click here to bid now.]

And, as reported by ABC News, Jackson Browne and Bonnie Raitt will headline a benefit concert for the water protectors on the same date, Sun., Nov. 27, 2016 -- to be held at the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Prairie Knights Pavilion in Fort Yates, ND. Browne and Raitt will be joined by Joel Rafael and Bad Dog. Also featured will be LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, on whose land the water protectors' encampment is located.