Human Rights

The entire nuclear fuel chain involves the release of radioactivity, contamination of the environment and damage to human health. Most often, communities of color, indigenous peoples or those of low-income are targeted to bear the brunt of these impacts, particularly the damaging health and environmental effects of uranium mining. The nuclear power industry inevitably violates human rights. While some of our human rights news can be found here, we also focus specifically on this area on out new platform, Beyond Nuclear International.



Neil Young Celebrates 71st Birthday Performing at Standing Rock Protest Site


Bill McKibben: What's Next? Solidarity With Standing Rock, Nov. 15

Bill McKibben of has responded to the Trump election by calling for solidarity with Standing Rock on Nov. 15th.


“Not by truck, not by rail, not by pipeline”

Rising Tide North America issued this alert:

In July 2015, five brave folks with TWAC (Trans and/or Women's Action Camp)* were arrested during a spirited blockade and lockdown to a NG Advantage truck carrying fracked gas in Addison County, VT. They were able to disrupt the transport for nearly two hours, and they dropped a banner reading “Not by truck, rail, or pipeline!”  Please consider donating to their legal support!

The transportation of fracked gas and other fossil fuels is dangerous - it's volatile in all its forms whether by truck, rail or pipeline - and endangers the health and safety of countless communities and ecosystems. And the continued and reckless extraction of the planet’s remaining fossil fuels threatens global climate catastrophe.

TWAC engaged in this courageous act of nonviolent resistance in solidarity with communities on the frontlines of gas extraction and the climate crisis. Their hope is that we can all recognize the need to end extreme energy extraction in all of its forms.

As a result of this action, the five people that were arrested are facing ongoing & tiresome court proceedings, hefty court fines & legal fees, and travel expenses. They need our help! Please consider donating any amount that you can afford, and please share this fundraiser widely!

*TWAC is an action camp for folks who identify as female, transgender, transsexual, gender queer and gender variant. This is an intentional space to share campaign information and direct action skills in a conscientious, supportive, empowering and encouraging environment for voices often marginalized."


In solidarity,

Rising Tide North America


Protest at pipeline construction yard ends without arrests 


Pipeline protesters enter DAPL work yard in Mandan 

As reported by the Bismarck Tribune:

Dakota Access Pipeline protesters blocked a pipeline work yard early Saturday morning, prompting the evacuation of workers there.

Rob Keller, a spokesman for the Morton County Sheriff's Department, said around 9 a.m., the department received a phone call of 130 to 150 cars leaving the protests camps in southern Morton County and heading north on Highway 6 to Mandan.

Once they arrived in Mandan, the protesters stood and blocked the intersection of Highway 6 and Main Street, Keller said. They then headed to the work yard, on County Road 82, where DAPL has construction equipment and blocked the entrance.

video posted on social media showed a man driving a truck at protesters in the work yard. The man driving the truck in the video also had a gun pointed at them.

Police are investigating reports of shots fired, it's yet clear who may have fired them.

DAPL workers were evacuated from the site, Keller said. No arrests were made.

There was a report of a protester being injured, he said, however it's not clear if it's severe or how it happened. (emphasis added)