Women in Japan to stage sit-in; call for global solidarity
September 29, 2011

Women in Fukushima will be sitting in at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry from October 27th to 29th to demand the evacuation of Fukushima children and no resumption of nuclear power plant operation (43 of the 54 reactors are currently shuttered for scheduled maintenance.) They are asking women from all over Japan to join the sit-in on October 30th. The women point out that seven months of government refusal to evacuate Fukushima children is a crime against humanity, and it can no longer be tolerated. The women of Fukushima are calling on women around the world to act in solidarity with similar actions at the same time – whether in front of Japanese embassies or consulates or elsewhere. Shortly before the sit-in a new network – Women for a Nuclear-Free Future – will be launched in Sapporo and Osaka, Japan on October 24th and in Tokyo on November 23rd.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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