"Berlusconi" tells Italians he will decide the country's nuclear future
May 13, 2011

Unfurling a banner that says "Italians, I decide the future" and mimicking the voice of Berlusconi, Greenpeace Italy broadcast a loudspeaker message in Rome that mocked Berlusconi's autocratic style. During his speech, the false Berlusconi promises that Italians will not be denited an audience-getter like Fukushima with its own, better, Fukushima 2 and that there should be no public vote on the future of nuclear power in Italy. (Italy shuttered the last 3 of its total 4 reactors after a 1987 referendum following the 1986 Chernobyl explosion that spewed radiation across Europe). A referendum to end nuclear in Italy is scheduled June 12 and 13: Video in Italian.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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