Still time to join effort to get dirty, dangerous, and expensive nuclear power booted out of Obama's call for a "Clean Energy Standard"
February 10, 2011

As soon as rumors swirled that President Obama might include dirty, dangerous, and expensive nuclear power, and other dirty energy sources, in his State of the Union call to Congress and the nation for a "Clean Energy Standard," the anti-nuclear movement took action. Led by Friends of the Earth, 45 groups, including Beyond Nuclear, wrote to Obama, urging him to not include nuclear and other dirty energy in his "Clean Energy Standard."

Now Friends of the Earth has gathered over 100 groups onto its letter, which it plans to send to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Friends of the Earth is still taking group signatures onto their letter. To sign your group on, simply email Ben Schreiber at ASAP. Include your group name and state, and basic contact info. so Ben can get back to you if he needs to.

Are you a concerned citizen but not part of a group? You can still take action. Contact the White House and urge President Obama to exclude dirty, dangerous, and expensive nuclear power from his "Clean Energy Standard." Also, contact Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) with the same message.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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