Thursday: Stop the Cuomo tax and nuclear bailout
November 14, 2016

This action alert comes from Blair Horner with Stop the Cuomo Tax/No Nuclear Bailout:

Right now, there is a secret deal being pushed to force New Yorkers to bail out a wealthy Chicago corporation with $7.6 billion of our hard-earned money. We don't know the terms of the contract; we just know that the money is being used to bail out old and inefficient nuclear power plants.

For the last month, we've been taking action to stop Governor Cuomo's nuclear bailout, and over 25,000 New Yorkers have joined the movement along the way. Now we need you to take this one step further.

Join us in Albany and deliver the message to state energy regulators in person: New Yorkers say 'NO' to the Cuomo Tax.

Thursday, 11/17 at 9:30am
Department of Public Service
3 Empire State Plaza, 19th Floor Boardroom
Albany, NY 12223


Next week, the Public Service Commission will meet to discuss the proposed sale of the FitzPatrick nuclear plant to Exelon Corporation: the sole beneficiaries of this $7.6 billion bailout plan. Stopping this sale is key to stopping the bailout, and saving New Yorkers billions of dollars.

If enough of us show up and speak out, we'll be one step one closer to winning this fight, stopping The Cuomo Tax and blocking this nuclear bailout scheme.

We need you there with us Thursday. RSVP to the event and invite your friends so we can make a big impact on the Public Service Commission.

Thursday, 11/17 at 9:30am
Department of Public Service
3 Empire State Plaza, 19th Floor Boardroom
Albany, NY 12223


If enough New Yorkers make their voices heard, we can send a message to state regulators that we're not going to sit idly as Gov. Cuomo jacks up our electric bills in order to bail out a wealthy Chicago energy company.

We can't wait to see all of you on Thursday.

Blair Horner
Stop the Cuomo Tax

PS: Can't make it to the event? Click here to send a quick message to the Public Service Commission and make your voice heard.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
See website for complete article licensing information.