ACTION ALERT -- IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED! Tell IL Governor and Legislators Exelon Nuclear Bailout is Outrageous!
December 2, 2016


There may still be a chance to stop the Exelon Nuclear bailout in IL, for as Utility Dive reports

Last-minute amendments slow progress on Exelon Illinois bill as deadline nears

Tell IL Governor and Legislators and Legislative Leaders that Exelon Nuclear Bailout is Outrageous!

Exelon's $1.6 Billion+ Bailout Poised for Final Passage - Say "NO!" to Nuclear Bailout!
The Exelon Legislation, now going by the number SB 2814 Amendment 2, and the name of "the Future Energy Jobs Bill," is poised for passage.
It is imperative that calls go in to your legislators [IL legislative leaders, and the governor] with the messages below.
What you can do:
1.)    Contact your State Legislators with this message: Simply say NO to Exelon's Nuclear Bailout!
  • NO bailouts for Exelon's aging, money losing reactors
  • Fix the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), once and for all
  • Support community created and controlled jobs in renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Enact a "just transitions" program for reactor communities and displaced workers; 
  • Enact strong reactor decommissioning laws
  • Let them know you will remember their vote at the next state elections
To find out who your State Legislators are, click here:
2.)   and also call...
  • Governor Bruce Rauner   (312) 814-2121 
  • House Speaker Michael Madigan   (217) 782-5350 
  • Senate Pres. John Cullerton     (773) 883-0770
  • Likewise, let Gov. Rauner know you will remember his bad deal with Exelon Nuclear at the time of the next gubernatorial election!

If this bailout is stopped, three reactors in IL will be closed: Clinton by June 1, 2017, and Quad Cities 1 & 2 by June 1, 2018.

If this bailout goes through, then those three dirty, dangerous, and expensive reactors will keep operating. This means more high-level radioactive waste generation, and worsening safety risks at these age-degraded, 40+ year old reactors!

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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