NEIS update on Exelon reactor closures: "They're back!" Exelon's bad faith bluff and bluster requires ongoing vigilance
June 5, 2016

Dave Kraft, Director of Nuclear Energy Information Service of Chicago, has just sent out this update:


"GAME ON!" WITH EXELON, ONCE AGAIN: In reality it was probably never "game off."  Although the Legislature did not pass the Exelon bailout bill before the Spring session ended, and although Exelon claims it is now on track to close the two Quad Cities and Clinton-1 reactors as a result, the reality is far different.  Intercepted communications to Exelon plant workers at the reactors show Exelon urging their 1,500 at-risk employees to continue calling the Governor and legislators, urging them to bail out the reactors.  Exelon also announced (for the 4th time, no less) that will they really, really intend to close these reactors, but they also said that a "window" still exists through mid-September before they really have to make a final decision on Clinton-1.  And worse, Mr. I'm a Businessman, anti-union Governor Rauner has declared that we really need to keep these troubled, money-losing reactors open, even with a bailout (his term, not ours)!
We will be meeting this week internally and with allies to develop a summer strategy moving forward on the Exelon bailout, which we will announce to you soon.  There will be plenty of "action" opportunities for you to be a part of.  In the meantime, we ask you to continue the "same old, same old", but with a slight variation:

  1. keep the calls, postcards and letters going in to your legislators, and now, to the Governor;
  2. message is the same, but begin your contact by explicitly stating"This is the one vote I will remember come November!  So,..."
  3. Say NO to Exelon’s corporate welfare bailout! 

    • ·      NO bailouts for Exelon’s aging, money losing reactors
    • ·      Fix the Renewable Portfolio Standard, and expand renewable energy and energy efficiency;
    • ·      Enact a “just transitions” program for reactor communities and displaced workers;  and support renewable energy jobs, and "environmental justice" programs


  4. Here is the contact information for your legislators:

     (312) 814-2121

     Leave a comment on his webpage:

     (217) 782-5350

     (773) 883-0770

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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