PowerMag: Illinois Nuke Rescue Package is Alive but Sketchy
September 15, 2016

Kennedy Maize at PowerMag reports:

When Exelon earlier this year shocked the nuclear industry by declaring it would close its money-losing Clinton and Quad Cities plants in Illinois, the Chicago-based generating giant said it could change its mind if the state legislature would come up with a financial rescue package. That may happen, but the odds are against it.

[Please note that the article's report that the Illinois state legislature is "Republican-controlled" is incorrect. The Democratic Party actually holds large majorities in both the Illinois State Senate and the Illinois State House. Illinois Governor Rauner is Republican, however.]

Exelon's nuclear lobbyists appear ready to push their greed-driven agenda during the Illinois state legislature's lame duck session, the article reports:

“The Legislature meets for a few days in November,” Exelon spokesman Brett Nauman told the Pantagraph. “Hopefully, they could act before the end of the year and Exelon could potentially reverse the decision. But as of now, we have to move forward with plans to close.” (emphasis added)

Although the article's subject line most likely refers to definition 1 below, definition 2 is equally apt, or more so, re: Exelon's bailout lobbying shenanigans, at Illinois rateapayer expense!

  1. 1.
    not thorough or detailed.
    "the information they had was sketchy"
    synonyms: incomplete, patchy, fragmentary, cursory, perfunctory, scanty, vague, imprecise, imperfect; More
    "we have only a sketchy description of the assailant"
    antonyms: detailed
    • (of a picture) resembling a sketch; consisting of outline without much detail.
  2. 2.
    North American informal
    dishonest or disreputable.
    "once the story does come out, the fact that you tried to hide it will seem sketchy")
Update on October 20, 2016 by Registered Commenteradmin

Please note that for several years now, Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS) of Chicago has led the grassroots resistance to Exelon's requeasted $1.6 billion bailout, at ratepayer expense, to prop up several failing atomic reactors in IL. See the LITERATURE section of NEIS's website for more info. on its resistance to the Exelon nuclear bailout.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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