NIRS national telebriefing on Trump's Nuclear and Coal Bailouts, featuring Rocky Mountain Institute's Amory Lovins, Wed., Nov. 1st, 8pm
October 25, 2017

NIRS announcement:

Dear Friend,

You are invited to NIRS’s next national telebriefing, Trump’s Nuclear and Coal Revival Plan: What It Means for our Energy Future, featuring world-renowned energy expert Amory Lovins, on Wednesday November 1st at 8:00pm - 9:30pm

Eastern (7pm Central / 6pm Mountain / 5pm Pacific).

The telebriefing is free, but registration is required.

Last month, the Trump administration unveiled a radical plan to promote nuclear power and coal with a massive national bailout. The plan has far-reaching implications for energy and the environment. And it will cost the public over $100 billion in higher energy bills!

Energy expert Amory Lovins has been outspoken in challenging the bailout plan and will share his views on what it means for clean energy in the United States. He will discuss the nuclear-coal bailout and what we can do to stop it, he will also take your questions. 

Amory Lovins is co-founder of Rocky Mountain Institute and a long-time friend of NIRS. He is a leader in helping industry, government, and society transition to a profitable carbon-free future.

Please join us for this vital session on Wednesday Nov 1 at 8:00pm - 9:30pm Eastern (7pm Central / 6pm Mountain / 5pm Pacific).

The briefing will occur on the eve of the COP23 global climate conference in Bonn, Germany. The Trump administration is not only setting a bad example for the world by pushing for dirty energy here at home, but they are also trying to undermine climate action globally by threatening to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement.

NIRS is mobilizing with the international Don’t Nuke the Climate campaign to stop nuclear power from stealing green energy funds and undermining climate action. Please help us make sure global leaders hear from grassroots activists and communities impacted by nuclear power, uranium mining, and radioactive waste by supporting the campaign

Thanks for all you do!

Tim Judson
Executive Director

Join us for our national telebriefing on Trump’s Nuclear and Coal Revival Plant with Amory Lovins! REGISTER NOW!

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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