Cover up?: Insight that would've highlighted problems with SC nuclear project scrubbed from audit two years ago
November 24, 2017

Thank you to Scott Stapf of The Hastings Group for the following Tweet:

Cover up?: Insight that would've highlighted problems with SC nuclear project scrubbed from audit two years ago

Update on November 24, 2017 by Registered Commenteradmin

In light of the apparent cover up, The Post and Courier article reports:

It also could cause more problems for SCANA and its executives, who are being investigated by state law enforcement officers, a federal grand jury and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

"If they would have brought this forward, they knew their investors would have gone crazy," said Rep. Russell Ott, a Democrat from St. Matthews who helped lead a special House committee that investigated the nuclear project. "This is a cover up. This is deception at its core. The bottom line is they lied to everyone and they did it intentionally."

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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