DOE wonders if nuclear energy hydrogen production could help save nuclear power
October 14, 2019

As reported by Hydrogen Fuel News. See the link to the article below.

This is yet more pro-nuclear hype from the U.S. Department of Energy -- re: atomic reactors as a source of hydrogen production. Of course, it's just another scheme to bailout reactors at public expense. And also, the hydrogen could well be tritium -- that is, radioactive and hazardous!
Davis-Besse in Ohio, a dangerously age-degraded atomic reactor that has just been given life support yet again in the form of a billion dollar bailout passed by the state legislature, is a beneficiary of DOE's taxpayer-funded hydrogen production bailout.
Wind power and solar power can also generate hydrogen, as by separating hydrogen and oxygen from water with electricity. The hydrogen can then be stored, to provide electricity (or vehicle fuel), at night, or when the wind is not blowing. Only, renewables-generated hydrogen would not be radioactive!

  DOE wonders if nuclear energy hydrogen production could help save nuclear power -
Nuclear is struggling to compete in certain markets. Nuclear energy hydrogen production, which would involve using nuclear’s thermal heat and electricity to produce hydrogen, could help existing nuclear energy to compete in certain markets. According to the Office of Nuclear Energy, with the rise ...
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