No On HB6 Rally and People's Hearing in Cincinnati on Monday!
June 15, 2019
On Monday morning, June 17th, Cincinnatians will convene at Stanbery Park, in Senator Wilson's district for a rally and people's hearing on HB6! Visuals include a giant inflatable pig, courtesy of Ohio Citizen Action, and signs.
During the rally Mayor Cranley will speak about the City of Cincinnati's resolution against the bill and Rep. Denson will speak about why he voted no.
This will be followed by a people's hearing during which community members will speak about the problems with HB6, and in particular how the Cincinnati area's air quality is impacted by the Clifty Creek coal plant in the neighboring state of Indiana and the injustice of this community being forced to pay to bail out the plant that pollutes their air. 
If you would like to speak at the hearing please let me know (especially if you're in Wilson's district). We will open it up to attendees at the end if time allows, but we'd like to have a good slate of speakers signed up in advance. 

I am also looking for volunteers to help with photos, video, and social media. If you are coming to the hearing and are able to help with these things, please let me know! If you're not in the area, but would like to help, there will be some things you can help with remotely.

If you're on Facebook, please invite your Cincinnati area contacts to the event! t  

Later, Ohio Citizen Action will be touring the inflatable pig to two additional rallies in target senate districts:

Medina Public Square in Medina, OH, Tues., June 18th at noon
Wooster Green in Bowling Green, OH at 3:30pm

Becca Pollard

Ohio Associate Organizing Representative

Sierra Club, Beyond Coal


Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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