Letter to the editor of the Toledo Blade: "Go green, Ohio, not nuke" (by Harvey Wasserman)
July 18, 2019

The billions of above-market dollars Ohioans have poured into the obsolete, increasingly dangerous Perry and Davis-Besse nuclear plants should long ago have made Ohio a totally green, emission-free energy powerhouse based entirely on solar, wind, batteries, and LED/​efficiency.

The legislature is blocking $4 billion in privately financed, job-producing wind farms in northern Ohio with an absurd set-back clause. But it wants to make working Ohioans pay $150 million or more to bail out nukes that can’t compete.

More than $20 million of that will go straight into the pockets of just seven high-paid FirstEnergy execs. What ever happened to the free market? Stop House Bill 6.


Bexley, Ohio

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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