Recent Ohio House Bill 6 news
December 1, 2020

(*Just in: 

New push to prevent customers from paying new electric rate fee*)

(1.) FirstEnergy cut to junk at all three major ratings firms;

(2.) op-ed: HB 6 stall reveals how Ohio politics is really just about maintaining the status quo -- Thomas Suddes;

(3.) Sam Randazzo resigns as Public Utilities Commission of Ohio chair;

(4.) FBI agents search PUCO chairman’s home;

(5.) Ohio Nuclear Bailout Scandal -- WHAT YOU CAN DO!;

(6.) Midwest Energy News headlines for 11/5 re: nuclear power bailout scandals in OH, IL;

(7.) Columbus Dispatch Editorial Board: Lame duck top priority -- Repeal House Bill 6;

(8.) FirstEnergy fights against disclosing more details about alleged HB 6 bribery cases;

(9.) Beyond Nuclear joins call for repeal of House Bill 6, Ohio's scandalous nuclear/coal bailout law;

(10.) FirstEnergy fires CEO, two other executives, amid federal investigations over nuclear bailout bill;

(11.) Political strategist & lobbyist each plead guilty in federal public corruption racketeering conspiracy involving more than $60 million;

(12.) Cincinnati, Columbus officials sue to stop power plant. bailout fees

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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