"White House orders audit of Energy Dept. loans"
November 11, 2011

The Washington Post reported an article by that title on its front page on October 29th. Although focused on the fallout from the Solyndra solar loan guarantee scandal -- the taxpayer loss of $535 million due to the bankruptcy of the California-based solar panel manufacturer -- and mentioning another federal energy loan guarantee at risk of default in a separate article on the same day entitled "Obama adviser tied to firm that won loan: Political ties played no role in DOE's decision, car company says" (to the Vehicle Production Group for a compressed natural gas vehicle designed to accomodate wheel chairs), the Washington Post does not mention federal loan guarantees for new nuclear facilities. Nor do Republican U.S. House Members mention nuclear loan guarantees, as they are poised to subpoena the Obama administration for documents related to the Solyndra scandal. The right wing Americans for Prosperity has even launched a campaign against all of Obama's solar loan guarantees, not just Solyndra's, including high-priced t.v. ads -- but again, doesn't mention nuclear loan guarantees, or those for other dirty energy projects, including coal based ones.

President Obama himself announced the award of an $8.3 billion nuclear loan guarantee for two new atomic reactors at the Vogtle nuclear power plant in Georgia. That amounts to more than 15 times more taxpayer money at risk than was lost in the Solyndra solar default.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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