Declaration of Independence from Entergy Nuclear at Vermont Yankee
July 5, 2012


"Trojan Cow" on the prowl at Vermont Yankee, part of the SAGE Alliance "Declare Independence from Entergy" action at Vermont Yankee on July 1stFrom a convening of "The People's Nuclear Regulatory Commission" in Brattleboro, Vermont on May 25th, to a non-violent civil disobedience action (complete with a giant "Trojan Cow" urging the nuclear utility to "Mooooooooove on!", Solar Rollers, 300 protestors, and 40 arrests) at the front gates of the Vermont Yankee atomic reactor on July 1st, large numbers of concerned citizens from Vermont, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire have declared their independence from Entergy Nuclear and its lapdog, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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