Shut It Down! Affinity Group fines paid, non-violent civil resistance actions resume against Entergy's Vermont Yankee atomic reactor
February 7, 2013

As reported by the Brattleboro Reformer and Rutland Herald, 14 members of the Shut It Down! Affinity Group, joined by 40 protestors at a rally in Brattleboro, carried out their latest non-violent civil disobedience action against the Vermont Yankee atomic reactor, at Entergy's local headquarters office.

60 donations from several states raised the funds needed to pay off court fines imposed for a Shut It Down! action carried out last August by 6 affinity group members.

Some Shut It Down! members have been arrested two-dozen times protesting Vermont Yankee.

Asked by an AP reporter on March 22, 2012 how many times she'd been arrested at Vermont Yankee, nonagenarian Frances Crowe answered "Not enough!" She was one of 1,500 who rallied for Vermont Yankee's shutdown, on the first day of its controversial, State of Vermont-opposed, Nuclear Regulatory Commission-rubberstamped 20-year license extension. 168 were arrested that day, not only at Entergy's Brattleboro offices, but also simultaneously at its White Plains, NY offices near Indian Point nuclear power plant, as well as at its New Orleans national headquarters.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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