Beyond Nuclear to co-present alongside Nukewatch & NIRS at MREA's inaugural MN renewable energy festival!
September 7, 2017

Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps, alongside John LaForge of Nukewatch and Diane D'Arrigo of NIRS (Nuclear Information and Resource Service), will conduct a workshop entitled "Nuclear Power Realities and Climate Chaos" at the Midwest Renewable Energy Association's first ever Minnesota festival, "Clean Energy + Sustainable Living".

Here is the workshop description:

This workshop will discuss what it takes to site, approve, construct, and license new reactors, a time-consuming process which robs resources from conservation and efficiency efforts. Investing in nuclear power hinders the deployment of clean, renewable, safe energy systems required to confront climate disruption.

This year's workshop comes as South Texas Project nuclear power plant in Bay City, TX just dodged a radioactive bullet from Hurricane Harvey, and as Hurricane Irma bears down on the Turkey Point and/or St. Lucie nuclear power plants on Florida's Atlantic Coast.

John and Kevin have held down the anti-nucler power fort at the MREA's annual Custer, WI festival, for the past couple-three decades. Their workshops there are, by default, entitled "Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer," no matter what the question -- an homage to Dr. Helen Caldicott, Beyond Nuclear's founding president, who was a keynote speaker at the MREA festival in WI in 2007.

In 2014, NIRS executive director, Tim Judson, and NEIS (Nuclear Energy Information Service of Chicago) executive director, Dave Kraft, joined John and Kevin in WI, to rebut the nuclear power industry's attempt to "kill the competition" -- the strategy by the nuclear power industry to sabotage renewables and efficiency as unwanted competition.

And as they've done at the WI festival for a quarter-century, Kevin and John will hold down an info. table at this event, as well.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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