The nuclear industry LIES to you about reliability in winter weather conditions
January 4, 2018

Scott Stapf of the Hastings Group has tweeted:

The #nuclear industry LIES to you about reliability in winter weather conditions. Entergy's Pilgrim plant near #Boston just shut down when weather knocked out incoming power line.


Stapf linked to a Platt's article, "Entergy's 728-MW Pilgrim shuts due to loss of a transmission line."

Stapf also included a graphic where, with a little dab of blue virtual paint, he was able to add a little truth-in-advertizing, to what otherwise would be a very dishonest Nuclear Energy Institute PR deception!

The Boston Globe has also reported on this story:

The storm also hit the power grid in Plymouth.

Neil Sheehan, a spokesman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said in a statement that the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station “manually shut down (scrammed) the reactor after one of the two 345-kilovolt lines that provide power from the grid to the facility became unavailable” shortly after 2 p.m. “Off-site power from the second 345-kilovolt line and a 23-kilovolt line is still in service.”

So too did

Update on January 8, 2018 by Registered Commenteradmin has reported on "Anti-Pilgrim Activists Rallying at State House After Unplanned Shutdown."

The article reports: The Cape Downwinders and 3 other organizations are calling on Gov. Charlie Baker to demand the station be closed immediately.

The article contains excellent quotes: “More and more, Pilgrim makes The Simpsons seem like a documentary on nuclear power plants,” said Ed DeWitt, the retired Executive Director of the Association to Preserve Cape Cod."


“To be pacified with the promise of Pilgrim’s closure in 2019 is clearly wishful thinking,” said Chatham resident Mary Conathan “The risks we are asked to accept are anything but acceptable. Poor maintenance, systemic mismanagement, cyber security violations all indicate to me we must pull our heads out of the sand and demand the plant be closed now.”

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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