Beyond Nuclear on the Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 06.26.18
June 26, 2018

FAKE EMERGENCIES & PROLONGING NUKE DISASTERS make us worry in SOLARTOPIA about the sanity of our so-called leaders.

We’re joined by TIM JUDSON of the NUCLEAR INFORMATION & RESOURCE SERVICE,  KEVIN KAMPS of BEYOND NUCLEAR and ANGELA BISCHOFF of the ONTARIO CLEAN AIR ALLIANCE to confront the insanity of keeping uneconomical nukes operating with massive public subsidies.

In the US, court fights are proceeding to stop the insane subsidies scammed through by NY Governor Andrew Cuomo to keep four upstate reactors operating despite huge money losses and far cheaper renewables.  Likewise Ohio’s FirstEnergy wants 80 coal and nuke burners subsidized by tax and ratepayers where wind and solar are much much cheaper.

In Canada, a new premier wants to spend $55 billion in public money to upgrade more than a dozen reactors that would otherwise shut in a province awash in cheap, clean hydro and wind power.

This massive health, ecological and economic death wish is sponsored by a corrupt, obsolete nuke power industry that can’t operate without huge public subsidies.

Find out all about it in this week’s SOLARTOPIA Show…

[Listen to an audio recording of the show, here.]

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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