Freeze Our Fukushima's National Call In Day to NRC October 7, 2011
September 29, 2011

Be a part of the dialogue! Call in on National Freeze our Fukushimas Day.

More than 6,000 of you have already co-signed Beyond Nuclear's petition to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. It's not too late to sign. And you can also call in to participate in the NRC Public Hearing on October 7, 2011 - 10am to 12 noon EST. The petition calls on the NRC to halt operations on the deteriorating  General Electric Mark I boiling water reactors here in the US similar in design to the  Fukushima Dai-ichi units.

Call Toll Free

Friday, October 7, 2011   

10 AM to 12 Noon Eastern Standard Time

Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Public Hearing with Beyond Nuclear

1-877-553-7601 (passcode 5087356)

1-866-741-7099 (passcode 3340595)

1-866-732-2413 (passcode 8181837)


Webcast at


Following the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident in Ukraine, the US government permanently closed a US reactor, the graphite-moderated Hanford N-reactor near Richland, Washington. Why? The antiquated reactor too closely resembled the design of the exploded Chernobyl reactor that blanketed much of the northern hemisphere in long-lived radioactive fallout.

Now following Japan's 2011 Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, more than 6,000 of you have co-petitioned with us to call upon the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to "Freeze Our Fukushimas" and shutter dangerously old and deteriorating General Electric Mark I boiling water reactors here in the US similar in design to the  Fukushima Dai-ichi units. There, nuclear accidents have closed 24 miles of Japan's coastline to human habitation and forced hundreds of thousands more Japanese to live in sickening radioactive contamination.

The NRC has scheduled a public hearing to take public comment on requested emergency enforcement actions to suspend operations at these increasingly dangerous Fukushima-style nuclear reactors. Speakers will include Paul Gunter and Kevin Kamps (Beyond Nuclear), Dale Bridenbaugh (former GE engineer), Arnie Gunderson (Fairewinds Associates), Debi Katz (Citizens Awareness Network), Lou Zeller (Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League), Randy Kehler (Safe & Green Campaign), Michael Mariotte (Nuclear Information and Resource Service), Bobbie Paul (Georgia WAND) and more... 

You can participate in this public meeting via the toll free telephone bridge lines or watch the live webcast from NRC headquarters.

Please mark your calendars and help us mobilize a national campaign to hasten the closure of the most dangerous atomic reactors in America. Invite your friends, colleagues and post on listserves.

Freeze Our Fukushimas! 

Update on October 11, 2011 by Registered Commenteradmin

The archived webcast of Beyond Nuclear's NRC Petition Review Board meeting on its emergency enforcement petition is now available. [1 hr. 30 mins.]

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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