Entergy retreats, drops charges against "Occupy Entergy" Seven
April 13, 2012


Entergy is dropping charges against seven activists, including Paul Gunter, who occupied the New Orleans headquarters on March 22, 2012. The group was protesting the nuclear power company’s criminal trespass against the State of Vermont where its reactor, Vermont Yankee, continues to generate hazardous nuclear waste in the State without a permit.  The action was in solidarity with a simultaneous rally in Brattleboro, VT of more than a 1,000 protesters, 166 of whom were arrested in front of Entergy’s VT headquarters. An affinity group of five others were arrested at the White Plains, NY regional Entergy office.  The New Orleans action can be seen in our 2-minute “silent movie style” film, “The Activist(s)”. Please share and forward widely!

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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