
The nuclear industry has been heavily subsidized throughout its 50+-year history in the U.S. It continues to seek the lion's share of federal funding since it cannot otherwise afford to expand.



Growing coalition opposes multi-billion dollar ratepayer bailout for FirstEnergy's Davis-Besse atomic reactor

NRC file photo of Davis-Besse on the Lake Erie shoreline east of ToledoAs reported by Tom Henry of The Toledo Blade, the Jan. 15 Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) hearing in Toledo revealed a growing coalition of environmental, public interest, and consumer protection groups opposing a $3.2 billion (or larger) ratepayer bailout sought by FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) to prop up its dirty, dangerous and uncompetitive Davis-Besse atomic reactor on the Lake Erie shoreline, as well as its Sammis coal burner on the Ohio River in southeast OH. Policy Matters Ohio, Ohio Consumers Counsel (a state agency), and American Association of Retired Persons joined with groups like Beyond Nuclear, Don't Waste Michigan, Green Party of Ohio, and others, which have long resisted Davis-Besse's 20-year license extension.

Beyond Nuclear testified at the Toledo hearing, as well as the Akron hearing on Jan. 12. Public Citizen testified at the Jan. 20 hearing in Cleveland, as reported by the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Beyond Nuclear has also submitted all of its written submissions against the Davis-Besse license extension to PUCO's electronic docket. The coalition first intervened on Dec. 27, 2010. Contentions include renewable energy and energy storage alternatives, significant underestimates of severe accident costs, as well as severe and worsening cracking, and rebar degradation, in Davis-Besse's concrete containment Shield Building. Beyond Nuclear also submitted coalition (including Sierra Club) filings against Davis-Besse's risky, experimental steam generator replacement project; Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer of Fairewinds Associates, served as the coalition's expert witness. Terry Lodge of Toledo serves as legal counsel in both interventions.

PUCO's administrative trial begins on Jan. 28 in Columbus, and will last for several days.


NEIS media advisory: "Stop the Nuclear Bailout!" Mock Exelon "Fun(d)-Raiser"


For immediate use --  Monday,  26 January, 2015

Contact:  Dave Kraft, Director, Nuclear Energy Information Service, (773)342-7650 (o); (630)506-2864 (c)

WHAT:  “Stop the Nuclear Bailout!” Mock Exelon “Fun(d)-Raiser”

WHEN:   Tuesday, January 27, 2015;  11:30 to 12:15.


  • 111 W. Grand Ave., (Grand and Clark St., SW corner), Chicago, Illinois.
  • Fliers against the Exelon billion-dollar nuclear bailout will be passed out to attendees of the City Club of Chicago luncheon, “Illinois’ Energy Future: A Policy Discussion,” to be held at Maggiano’s Restaurant.
  • Signs, placards and banners will be displayed by “nuclear workers” in radiation suits, taking up a (faux-)collection in behalf of the impoverished, money-losing Exelon Corporation reactors.  Minimum “contributions” of $100,000 will be requested of those pro-nuclear people attending the luncheon.  Cash, checks, Kruegerrands and bitcoin “accepted”  (sorry – no credit cards!).


  • Speakers from Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS), concerned citizens


The City Club of Chicago is sponsoring a luncheon under the innocent-sounding heading of, “Illinois’ Energy Future: A Policy Discussion.”  However, two of the main speakers are spokespeople for  the Exelon-funded “Nuclear Matters” pro-nuclear front group, and a third a member of the Nuclear Energy Institute, the trade and lobbying association for the U.S.  nuclear power industry, whose current head is none other than Philip Crane – CEO of Exelon Corporation.  This heavily biased panel will be speaking to City Club members at a time when Exelon is engaged in attempting to win Illinois ratepayer-funded bailouts for its five money-losing reactors in Illinois from the Illinois Legislature and FERC.

NEIS is staging a “faux-fun(d)raiser” in Exelon’s behalf, to reduce the amount of money they will need to legally extort from Illinois ratepayers – and to send a message to the Governor, the Legislature and public about how absurd and full of audacity Exelon’s undeserved demands are. 

Spokespeople will be available to answer questions during the event.


"Big, nuke-heavy utility looking for new ratepayers to fleece"

ORGANIZE!As reported by David Roberts at Grist, Exelon Nuclear proposed takeover of Pepco represents a "Big, nuke-heavy utility looking for new ratepayers to fleece." It is part and parcel of Exelon's desperate bid to keep its dirty, dangerous, uncompetitive, aging nuclear power reactor fleet afloat. But anti-nuclear and environmental groups, the public interest movement, businesses, and consumer and ratepayer advocates are fighting back.


"District should reject Exelon-Pepco merger, energy think tank says in report"

As reported by the Washington Post, the Cleveland-based Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis has warned the Washington, D.C. Public Utility Commission against approving the Exelon Nuclear/Pepco merger, "in part because Exelon’s business model relies too heavily on an aging group of nuclear power plants."

In a bid to prop up its dirty, dangerous, and uncompetitive fleet of atomic reactors, Exelon would gouge Mid-Atlantic ratepayers on their electricity bills. At the same time, it would likely lobby to undermine progressive renewable power and energy efficiency strides already made in such places as Maryland and D.C.

Dcist has also reported on this story.


"Exelon's Proposed Acquisition of Pepco: Corporate Strategy at Ratepayer Expense"

The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis has released a new report, Exelon's Proposed Acquisition of Pepco: Corporate Strategy at Ratepayer Expense.

Here’s an overview, and here's a snapshot:

  • The deal, if it goes through, would expose customers to rate increases aimed at supporting Exelon’s struggling business model;
  • it would undermine the District of Columbia’s renewable-energy initiatives;
  • and it would expose ratepayers to long-term risks that are significantly larger than the short-term protections and public benefits claimed by Exelon.

Exelon's "struggling business model"? Dirty, dangerous, expensive, age-degrading, and ever less competitive nuclear power plants, most of which are nearly a thousand miles away from Pepco's service area in D.C. and Maryland!

The full report is posted here.